Hello Again
15/03/01 07:08
Why does it take so long to get new updates on this site? I get this question every once in a while... The answer is simple really. When I'm too busy, I ignore this site.
Well, sort of... actually I don't ignore it, but I do fall into the trap where I never have time to update. Since January I've been locked in a room turning out various bits of work for several Atlanta Agencies. What more could you ask for.
Apparently the word is getting around... People enjoy working with me.
The current work schedule is as follows:
Too busy to help you right now, But I'd love to talk via phone or e-mail (unless I've already told you that I'd be open to your project, in which case... I'm probably on the phone with you now) I'll be busy on my current project for the next week or more, and I have three or four following that that are in various stages of preparation.
But of course, If you have an emergency... don't hesitate to call. I can always get you some help in this market. (don't know what I mean by that? Click here careful... profanity alert)