Portfolio items added
As you can see, the new site is up, stroll over to the portfolio section and take a look at what I've been up to recently.
Of course this is just the beginning, I haven't updated this site in over two years, and since I'm just starting up again, the content is a little slim.
A lot has happened in the last two years, to start with my mother passed away and I've moved down to Atlanta Georgia... I know, I know, why? right? Well, mainly because I wanted a break from the cold weather, but also to advance my career a bit. To take on bigger challenges and explore another part of the country.
There is a plus to the Atlanta weather, Motorcycling is year round here. Try riding in January in Nebraska. I did just get back from a trip to Sturgis this last July, that was a blast, I'll have to dig up some pictures.